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Standard post published to Bliss Dental Lounge at August 07 2021 09:03

Standard post published to Bliss Dental Lounge at August 07, 2021 09:03
It is important to floss!! It clears food and plaque from between teeth and under the gumline. If you don't, plaque hardens into tartar, which forms wedges and widens the space between teeth and gums, causing pockets. Over time, gums pull away, and teeth loosen. Either waxed or unwaxed floss will do the job. Using floss picks or interdental brushes is another easy option. (813) 995-6178 #BlissDentalLounge #TampaFl #Tampa #TampaDentist #LutzDentist #LutzFL #CosmeticDentistLutz #OdessaDentist #OdessaFL : Full Article Available on
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August 15, 2023 at 09:02AM
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